move with the current of the timesの例文
move on, move on, move on
I , i saw you then wanted you , then i , i knew that it was best for me , only you brought me back to that place in my heart i thought was gone , for so long i was unhappy , now it ' s gon......

move with the times
"We move with the times, " said Stephen Lam, a government spokesman. "EU health and safety strategy must move with the times ." One of my friends simply refuses to move with the times. We ......

current of the times
We must move forward with the current of the times. It was a view that found little or no sympathy in the dominant linguistic or computational currents of the time. Sensing the current of ......

move to move
His partners from move to move to move squeezed him a little more. His partners from move to move to move squeezed him a little more. Following her success with the WAX film, Vasilisa move......

the powerful current of the times
Only when one plunges into the powerful current of the times will one ' s life shine brilliantly

for the good times and the bad times
For the good times and the bad times

good times bad times
GTBT literally means " Good Times Bad Times ". Many new covers have been performed, including Led Zeppelin's Good Times Bad Times and Aerosmith's Sweet Emotion. It includes a cover of the ......

the life and times of life and times
She is a member of the U . S . Death by Design / The Life and Times of Life and Times. She is one of the featured scientists ( along with one of her sheepdogs ) in the 1995 science documen......

alternating current to direct current
Diodes are used in semiconductors to convert electricity from alternating current to direct current. Semiconductor diodes have multiple uses including rectification of alternating current ......

current and current
This device converts voltages to currents and currents to voltages. L, where the current " I " is the difference between the short-circuit current and current due to forward bias of the ju......

current and non-current liabilities
Current and non - current liabilities

current controlled current source
There are four kinds of dependent sources which are named as the voltage controlled voltage source ( vcvs ) , the current controlled voltage source ( ccvs ) , the voltage controlled curren......

50 move rule
The solutions have profoundly advanced the chess community's understanding of 50 move rule since many positions are now seen to exist that are a win for one side but would be drawn because......

a clever move
These days, picking a decent rose, can be a clever move indeed. So, all in all, quite a clever move by the bank. So Goossen made a clever move : He joined those he couldn't beat. That fran......

a smart move
While shares were heading higher, the options seemed like a smart move. He agreed that his selection might not have been a smart move. Analyst Wayne Hood of Prudential Securities called th......

a wise move
Maybe a wise move, one that an old-time Giant did not heed. But toting the casual clothes turned out to be a wise move. "This is a wise move, " said Salomon Brothers analyst Eli Kammerman.......

a wrong move
But German coaches and players thought this would be a wrong move. Anyone making a wrong move stood an excellent chance Friday of being shot. A wrong move on his part would bring almost ce......

additional move
Oni's moveset is similar to Akuma's but with additional moves and modifications. Those additional moves are still likely by next spring, Healy said. If you beat significantly, you do get s......

all in one move
He lets his henchmen kick him repeatedly in the groin, then subdues them all in one move. That way he could thwart his enemies the Shadows ( the virus of Edgars'was likely Shadow technolog......

and as you move on, remember me,
And as you move on , remember me , And as you move on , remember me ,

and move on
How are reps trained to get the order and move on? We take what we can from our elders and move on. We would like to get this behind us and move on. But I got over it and moved on with my ......

ape escape on the move
On January 31, 2011 an English version of the game was released in Asian countries like Singapore along with a PlayStation Move bundle, it was released under the name " Ape Escape On The M......

approach move
Garcia s approach moved away from the viewpoint of video games as toys. Right Approach moved forward from fifth place, coming nose to nose with Paolini in the finish. In a country wher......

ark on the move
""'The Stationary Ark " "'was a documentary television miniseries hosted by Ark on the Move ", a follow-up TV series, was also hosted by Gerald Durrell.

art on the move
Berlin is an art city, and a city of art on the move. Laurel told her story in an art exhibition in 2012 with Art on the Move called " A Story to Tell ".